Ready for Sea: The History of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps


  • By Jeffrey L. Rodengen
  • 160 pages
  • Published: Feb 2015
  • Hardcover
  • First Edition


The U.S. Navy Supply Corps

For more than 200 years, the United States Navy Supply Corps has provided crucial support to Navy sailors serving all over the world. Sailors are fed, paid, clothed, and armed by this group of men and women who keep the Navy running. The Navy Supply Corps history dates back to the early days of the United States when George Washington appointed Tench Francis to the position of purveyor of supplies on February 23, 1795. In this encompassing history, read firsthand stories of Supply Officers as they invented new ways to get supplies to ships, pushed for innovation in food preparation and uniform design, and fought alongside other sailors in battle.

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