TAMKO: A Constancy of Purpose


  • By Jeffrey L. Rodengen
  • 352 pages
  • Published: Dec 2015
  • Hardcover
  • First Edition


E.L. Craig built TAMKO, an acronym formed by the first letters of the five states in which the company expected to do business—Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma. Craig led his employees by living the values he believed in: tenacity, responsibility, family, and community. His daughter, Ethelmae, learned those lessons well, stepping in at age 23 to run the business when her father fell ill. Jay Humphreys, Ethelmae’s husband, became a longtime leader of TAMKO whose influence on the company is still felt today in his son and current TAMKO leader David Humphrey. TAMKO’s history has been filled with challenges, including economic downturns and natural disasters, but the company has flourished. TAMKO is not merely a business; TAMKO is a family business, treating employees, vendors, and customers like family.

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